5 Heroes that Can Determine Your Victory in DotA 2

Undoubtedly, DotA 2 has now become one of the games most popular in the world. Because of the popularity, the game is a version of the spin-off of Warcraft has made an international scale tournaments with prizes of millions of dollars .

DotA 2 itself is a game genre MOBA that offers battle 5 vs 5 in a folder with lots of choices of characters (hero) can be used, as well as items that can be attached to the hero used to defeat an opponent. Of the many heroes available, this time I will discuss some of the hardest hero is very influential on the level of a team victory in DotA 2 . 

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In the first sequence of the hardest and most influential hero to victory is Meepo . Meepo itself is the hero type of Agility which has a number of skills such unique skill to bind the opponent is Earthbind , skill Poof which Meepo Where possible Meepo teleport to the other, and skill Geostrike which will give additional damage to the enemy, slowing the movement of the enemy.

It makes Meepo hard to play is a special skill called Divide We Stand . This skill allows Meepo create a kind of duplicates which persisted throughout the game up to 4 duplicates if using Aghanim's Scepter . Each copy must be driven in a battle and if one duplicate dies, the others also died. Of course this is not easy if you do not have the reflexes and concentration high .

However, on the other hand, if you would play this Meepo very well, of course, will benefit. For 4 Meepo is like 4 Hero. If you attack the opponent hero, of course, use 4 Meepo will be much more deadly due to skill Earthbind that you can use as many as four times, and of course the damage of attacks 4 Meepo.

2. Invoker

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Invoker is a hero type of Intelligence that is very popular because of the many skill combinations that can be created by the hero of this one. On the battlefield, invoker can create a variety of attacks such as Meteor Strike that produces big damage, call Forged Spirit which can help to kill the opponent and destroy the tower opponent, Ice Wall to freeze opponents, EMP to spend which point the opponent, tornado to blow away opponents try to escape or pursue you, and much more skill that you can use to dominate the battle.

However, if you have the finger movements and reflexes are slow , you should not use this hero because a hero is indeed rely finger speed users in changing quickly during combat skills to eliminate the enemy quickly and win the battle.

3. Spectre

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Specter is a hero to the type of Agility which can also function as a semi-tanker like the hero type of Strength. When playing a hero on this one, you have to play very patiently because the hero of this one was very vulnerable to attacks on the AWL game ganking. In addition, if you are not good at last hit on a creep and creep opponents who are in the woods , then you will not be able to immediately get items that will make this hero became so feared at the end of the game, which means you fail to use this hero.

Conversely, if you are patient enough and clever in playing this hero including utilizing the special skills Haunt to get assists and kill if it allows the opponent dying hero, hero of this one could be very deadly hero. Dispersion skills that will reflect a number of your opponent's attack percentage combined with items like Blade Mail and Radiance will create a hero who can dominate the game.

When you've got a few more items like Manta Style and Diffusal Blade , you can use the Haunt to ambush opponents hero hiding and finish quickly thanks to the skill Desolate that will improve the attack hero when facing one opponent first.

4. Templar Assassin

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Hero is an Agility hero types that require its expertise in the placement of the hero and skill that is used. When you play a hero, you should be good to put Psionic Trap that will slow enemy movement so that you can be gripped with the skill MELD and Refraction. When the creep kill any opponent, you have to position themselves in order to align with the opponent creep skill hero Psi Blades could work well for accelerating creeping.

Although relatively difficult to use, if you managed to get a number of items like Blink Dagger and Desolator , then by maintaining the positioning Psionic Trap is good, you can maximize the skill Meld coupled with Desolator to kill the opponent before he could attack you.

When you've got a few more items like Manta Style and Diffusal Blade , you can use the Haunt to ambush opponents hero hiding and finish quickly thanks to the skill Desolate that will improve the attack hero when facing one opponent first.

4. Templar Assassin

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Hero is an Agility hero types that require its expertise in the placement of the hero and skill that is used. When you play a hero, you should be good to put Psionic Trap that will slow enemy movement so that you can be gripped with the skill MELD and Refraction. When the creep kill any opponent, you have to position themselves in order to align with the opponent creep skill hero Psi Blades could work well for accelerating creeping.

Although relatively difficult to use, if you managed to get a number of items like Blink Dagger and Desolator , then by maintaining the positioning Psionic Trap is good, you can maximize the skill Meld coupled with Desolator to kill the opponent before he could attack you.

And it would be better if you slow down the enemy advance with Psionic Trap. Hero is arguably going to be the hero a very effective killer and become one of the important heroes in a battle to dominate.

5. Pudge

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Well, who does not know this iconic hero who famously said 'Fresh Meat' ? Hero type of Strength this are indeed quite difficult to use, he has the skill Meat Hook . Skill Meat Hook is a skill that is used to attract the opposite gender from a distance in order to get closer to Pudge . This skill requires a high accuracy of its users and of course, the timing is right if you want to attack the opponent hero.

However, if played by the right people, this skill could be the start of a winning team because you can use this skill to ambush opponents hero separately to reduce the combat power of the opponent.

At the end of the game, the hero is also still influenced by the skill Meat Hook it and of course skill Flesh Heap will increase magic resistance and the number of Strength Pudge so that later could serve as a tanker . You also have to be good at combining skill and Rot Meat Hook to kill enemies quickly.

That was 5 hero hardest DotA 2 also has a major influence in winning the game . Most of the hero is a hero-type above Invoker and Pudge ganker like that had to be played to capitalize the good accuracy and the timing is right, while the other hero requires prudence and patience . Which is your favorite hero? If Jake himself preferred Specter. Feel free to leave comments and share all of your friends.

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