Reasons Why People Play Dota 2

DOTA 2 is a game spin-off of the game Warcraft who became famous a few years ago thanks to the gameplay interesting. More specifically, DOTA 2 itself is a game genre MOBA deliver systems play 5 vs 5, in which the player can choose a character or was called Hero which will be used to defeat the other opponent characters before destroying the enemy's main headquarters to ensure victory .

That said, 6 It's usually Attractive People To Start Playing DOTA 2, Bener Not?Related to the popularity of these games are very popular by all people from children to adults, sometimes some people wonder, what makes DOTA 2 is very interesting to sometimes cause addiction ? Well, to answer the following questions, I will mention a few things that usually make people interested in playing DOTA. 

The first factor that often makes people interested in playing DOTA 2 is the availability of a game made by Blizzard is that we often encounter in various internet cafe or gaming center . Indeed, at first you might not be interested to play this game.

However, there were some who felt curious about the game called DOTA 2 that appears on the desktop computer, and finally try to play this game and it happens to most Jaka friend who eventually became active DOTA players.

2. Many Heroes Options 

After playing DOTA 2, the next factor that makes a person more interested in playing DOTA 2 is the number of Hero that can be played. Hero design course with a cool and interesting and most people are always curious to try the Hero as much as possible to get fit by playing them or Hero who has the skill cool with animated effects that draw (Newbie habit).

3. DOTA 2 Not a Game Can Be Played by All People

The most important factor that makes DotA 2 is so popular is the gameplay of the game itself which is very interesting and exciting . However, although I say that this game has an exciting gameplay, it does not mean you can play it only to capitalize spirit.

To play this game requires precision, strategy expertise, and teamwork to win a battle in DOTA 2. If you only play origin, well get ready for it called 'Noob' or get a scolding more rough if you play on a server SEA .

4. Custom Game To Eliminate Boredom

Even if there are already getting bored or tired after a few battles, DOTA 2 provides a lot of custom games that you can play for just relaxing for a custom game itself is not so demanding focus large as the actual battles DOTA 2. Some custom games like Pudge Wars or Tower Defense could be the right choice to freshen up before continuing fight again in vogue MMR .

5. Large Community

Can not be denied again, DOTA 2

4. Custom Game To Eliminate Boredom

Even if there are already getting bored or tired after a few battles, DOTA 2 provides a lot of custom games that you can play for just relaxing for a custom game itself is not so demanding focus large as the actual battles DOTA 2. Some custom games like Pudge Wars or Tower Defense could be the right choice to freshen up before continuing fight again in vogue MMR .

5. Large Community

Can not be denied again, DOTA 2 has very large communities scattered throughout the world. Anyone wishing to learn play DOTA 2 can utilize the existing community (such as community Steam ) to just learn how to play, a combination of items, and a few other tips such as the tips creeping . Surely this kind of community support will excite the newbie to learn more about DOTA 2.

6. Can Make Money

Just like the online games more, DOTA 2 also attract a number of people to play it for the sake of earning money. You can sell items that you get from winning a battle or event and then sell them to other players or to the professionals.

Usually they prefer to follow the DOTA 2 tournament either locally, nationally, and internationally. Unfortunately, until now there has been so many players DOTA 2 from Indonesia who managed to penetrate the DOTA 2 tournament international level.

That was six factors that usually draws people to play the game DOTA 2 . Hopefully useful yes! Which of the six factors that match the reason you play the game DOTA 2? Or is there another reason? If there is, please do not hesitate to leave a trail in the comments and make sure you share all of your friends who do not know how exciting playing DOTA 2.

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